aug 182010

The lower body side was partly covered with dirt and undercoating. The undercoating had already been released in many places and must be removed completely to be able to remove all rust.


Dirt and undercoating removed

Now all rust in the above picture must be removed. With the help of some chemicals and steel brushes the job was finished successfully.


All rust on the bottom side removed

Now the fun part could start, spraying the underside body with Epoxy primer. But before the spraying could start we finished the whole surface with sand paper, en just before spraying removed all dust with thinner.

LowerBodyExpoxy LowerBodySealer
After the epoxy primer is  thoroughly dried all seams are filled with 3M seal-kit. This kit, the small black lines in the above right picture, will creep between  the different layers of sheet metal. When the procedure is performed on both sides the space between different layers of sheet-metal will be hermetically sealed. So hopefully no rust anymore 🙂

LowerBodyAntiChipping LowerBodyPainted
 The last process step is adding a thick layer of anti chipping material and last but not least two layers of black paint. The last layer of paint will make it more easily to remove dirt from the underside in the near future.

 Posted by at 12:37
aug 012010

When I received the car I already noticed the damage on the lower rear panel. I looked like some kind of parking damage maybe 40 years ago. The metal hidden behind several layer of paint and tick layers ot putty was completely crumpled and beyond repair.
This is a very difficult part to make by your one because it is curved in two directions. This is only possible with a the help of a English wheel, which is not available in a do it your self workshop.
After a small search on the internet I found a guy in Madeira who could deliver this part for only €165 (including shipping costs)
The URL of this company is


After the new panel was remounted the overlapping areas on both sides should be filled with lead. I don’t want to use putty because originally they used lead as well. Lead soldering looks easy but it is much more difficult as it looks. The advantage is that the lead can be reused time after time. So with a lot of patient I succeeded at the end. With just a thin layer of zinc spray everything looks like new again.


 Posted by at 14:53