dec 282014

50percentWhen I bought this car 6,5 year ago my first estimation was to finished this project in 5 year. I lot of people  in my environment  respond like this; 5 YEAR, so long!

Today the progress has crossed the 50% boundary. My current impression is that the last 50% will go a bit faster.  In the first 50% the work meanly consists of

  • Disassembling
  • Cleaning
  • Find missing parts
  • Research
  • Figure out which parts are used where
  • Assembling the rolling chassis (except the engine)
  • Bodywork repair I

During the last 50% i will need to do;

  • Finishing the body work repair
  • Electrical installation
  • Assembling bodywork and interior
  • Lining
  • Finishing the rolling chassis; Carburetor,  Dynamo, Starter, Waterpump, Oil cleaner and Engine
 Posted by at 16:42