mrt 012015

The oil sump is one of the last parts which will close the lower part of engine block. Today I tried to mount the oil seal ring at the rear cover and found out that this part should be installed just before the crankshaft is installed. After measuring all parts a came to the conclusion that it should work if;

  • Shorten the ring dowels (C2373) with 2 mm (still 2.5 mm left for alignment)
  • Shorten the center bold with 4 mm (still enough thread left)

The advantage is that it will always be possible to remove it again 🙂 The oil seal ring, which consists of two halves, is shown in the picture below.

Oil Sump Parts

All parts for rebuilding the oil sump




Lower engine block almost finished

When all oil sump parts are mounted the lower engine block looks almost complete. Only the oil cleaner, crank shaft damper and engine brackets are missing on this photo. I still have to decide what the next assembly parts will be!

 Posted by at 17:52