dec 302015


The above photo shows the engine in an abandoned part of someone’s yard, somewhere in the states. In this picture the oil cleaner is clearly visible.


Early and later type oil cleaners housing

In the pile with parts, which came together with the car, two types of oil cleaners where present.

  • One with the bolt from the top
    This type is called “Early XK140 type” and was painted completely (housing and canister) brown (some sort of metallic paint was used).
  • One with the bolt from the bottom
    This type is called “Later XK140 type and there only the canister was painted brown (solid)
    Also the id tag, normally placed on the front or side, is not available on this one.
    Because my car comes originally from 1956 I will choose the “Later” type.

Parts to rebuild the oil cleaner

The small oil union, mounted on top of the cleaner housing, was the last part that was needed to complete the rebuild of the oil cleaner. (found this part via ebay UK)

The oil canister has been painted with solid acrylic paint (RAL 8011). This color comes closest to the original sample.


Rebuild oil cleaner mounted to the fresh XK140 engine

 Posted by at 21:46